
ResearchersAgainstAlzheimer's would like to thank Roche Diagnostics for their support of this project.

Neocortical β-amyloid burden (NAB)

Method of Measurement (Pre-analytical Tools)
Biomarker Measured
Stage of Development
Clinical trials
Active vs Completed Trials

Predicts cognitive decline and disease progression, identifying individuals at risk of progressing toward AD at the prodromal and preclinical stages (i.e. in healthy controls and patients with MCI).

What is Required from Patients

blood draw, mild discomfort, in clinic visits

What is Required from the Health System

phlebotomist, equipped lab (e.g., centrifuge), a way to measure the peptide (e.g.,mass spectrometer, protein assay kit, ELISA, western blot, or qPCR)


CSIRO Preventative Health Flagship: Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics, Perth; The University of Melbourne; Edith Cowan University, Joondalup; National ICT of Australia (NICTA), Melbourne; Austin Health, Heidelberg; Sir James McCusker Alzheimer’s Disease Research Unit, Hollywood Private Hospital, Perth; Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative; Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle Study Research Group; King’s College London; NIHR Biomedical Research Centre for Mental Health and Biomedical Research Unit for Dementia at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation; University of Oxford, Warneford Hospital; University of California, San Francisco

  1. Burnham, S. C., Faux, N. G., Wilson, W., Laws, S. M., Ames, D., Bedo, J., ... & Jones, G. (2014). A blood-based predictor for neocortical Aβ burden in Alzheimer’s disease: results from the AIBL study. Molecular psychiatry, 19(4), 519.

  2. Burnham, S. C., Rowe, C. C., Baker, D., Bush, A. I., Doecke, J. D., Faux, N. G., ... & Rainey-Smith, S. (2016). Predicting Alzheimer disease from a blood-based biomarker profile A 54-month follow-up. Neurology, 87(11), 1093-1101.

  3. Voyle, N., Kim, M., Proitsi, P., Ashton, N. J., Baird, A. L., Bazenet, C., ... & Rabinovici, G. D. (2016). Blood metabolite markers of neocortical amyloid-β burden: discovery and enrichment using candidate proteins. Translational psychiatry, 6(1), e719.