Mobilizing faith communities in the fight against Alzheimer’s.
We are committed to creating dementia friendly faith communities.
About Us
The FaithUnitedAgainstAlzheimer’s Coalition is a diverse, interfaith national coalition of clergy, faith leaders, laity and faith-based organizations advocating for dementia friendly faith communities across the country and demanding action to stop Alzheimer's.
Faith Coalition members believe that living with value and purpose is a human right. To that end, we promote dignity, compassionate care, and quality of life for those living with dementia and their families, as we work together to stop Alzheimer’s.
Our communities are welcoming to those living with dementia and their families, and take steps to enable worship, support care partners, educate about dementia, and promote brain health.
The FaithUnitedAgainstAlzheimer's Coalition calls on industry leaders, community stakeholders and policymakers to work urgently to improve care for those living with this disease and their care partners, and fully fund research to find disease-modifying treatments and a cure for Alzheimer's.
- Rev. Cynthia Abrams
Director, Health and WholenessUnited Methodist ChurchWashington, DC
- Rev. Dauba Adams
Providence United Methodist ChurchMonrovia, MD
- Rabbi Richard F. Address, DMin
Founder,Jewish Sacred Aging ProjectCherry Hill, NJ
- Rev. Martin Ankrum
Senior Pastor,First Presbyterian ChurchGreensburg, PA
- Pastor Wesley Berkebile
Center Hill Church of the BrethrenKittanning, PA
- Rev. Leslie Boone
Volunteer,HospiceIrwin, PA
- Rev. Nicole Brodeur
Associate Pastor,First Presbyterian ChurchGreensburg, PA
- Bonnie Prisk Caripolti
Juniper Village at Forest HillsPittsburgh, PA
- Rev. Don Carlin
Chaplain,HospicePhiladelphia, PA
- Rev. Marie Carpenter
Director of Eldercare Ministries,American Baptist Churches of Rhode IslandExeter, RI
- Rev. Ada Criscione
Universal Life Church MinistryEdgewater, NJ
- Mike Curren
Deacon,St. Augustine's ParishAndover, MA
- Deacon Drew DeCrease
Hospice Chaplain,Senior IndependenceNorth Huntingdon, PA
- Rev. Dr. Lisa Dormire
Director of Fund Development,Redstone HighlandsGreensburg, PA
- Dr. Darrell J. Gaskin
Deputy Director,Johns Hopkins Center for Health DisparitiesBaltimore, MD
- Rabbi Steven M. Glazer, DHL, DD (hon.)
Principal,Glazer ConsultingRockville, MD
- Rev. Nancy H. Hardin
Chaplain,Mercy McAuley Center, Mercy Memorial HospitalUrbana, OH
- Pastor John Heller
Director of Spiritual Care,Lutheran Care Center at Concord VillagePoughkeepsie, NY
- Rev. Bobbie Hinline
Chaplain,Redstone HighlandsGreensburg, PA
- Rabbi Shimon Hirschhorn, FIPA, MS, MA
Director of Religious Services,The Hebrew Home of RiverdaleNew York, NY
- Rev. Richard W. Krug
Pastor,St. John's Lutheran ChurchNorth Versailles, PA
- Lois Lutz
Former Director,Alzheimer's Association, Greater Pennsylvania ChapterPittsburgh, PA
- Rev. Brian McCaffrey
Chaplain,LutheranCareClinton, NY
- Rev. Scott R. McCormick
Retired Methodist ClergyUniontown, PA
- Rabbi James Michaels, DMin, BCC
Rockville, MD
- Dr. John C. Morgan
Ethics Professor, (ret.)Albright CollegeReading, PA
- Rev. Dr. Richard L. Morgan
Alzheimer's Support Group Facilitator,Redstone Highlands and Irwin Community CenterNorth Huntingdon, PA
- Sister Mary Lou Palas
Seton Hill Sisters of CharityGreensburg, PA
- Rev. Bill Paul
Former Pastor & Director of Missions, Pittsburgh PresbyteryCranberry, PA
- Rabbi Joseph Polak
Director Emeritus,The Florence Chafetz Hillel House at Boston UniversityBoston, MA
- George Schaefer
Society of FriendsArch Street Friends MeetingPhiladelphia, PA
- Anna Sever
North Huntingdon, PA
- Rev. Becca Siddle
Chaplain,Redstone HighlandsMurrysville, PA
- Brenda Sobota
Director of Volunteers,Redstone HighlandsGreensburg, PA
- Barb Stephens, MPH
Co-facilitator, AD Suport GroupRedstone HighlandsIrwin, PA
- Rev. Sharon Stewart
Pastor,Crafton Presbyterian ChurchCrafton, PA
- Max Wallack
Student, Harvard Medical SchoolFounder, Puzzles to RememberNatick, MA
- Rev. Ken White
Associate Pastor for Missions,Southminster Presbyterian ChurchPittsburgh, PA
- Rabbi Esther Adler
Mount Zion TempleSt. Paul, MN
- Rev. Dr. Jade C. Angelica, MDiv, DMin
Founder and Director,Healing MomentsDubuque, IA
- Rev. Thomas Brackbill
Pastor,First Presbyterian Church of AlmaAlma, MI
- Chaplain Rebecca Ebb-Speese
Director of Pastoral Care,Maple CreekGrand Rapids, MI
- Richard L. Haid, PhD, PCC
Adult Mentor,Hamilton, OH
- Christopher Henderson-Johns
Anderson Hills United Methodist ChurchCincinnati, OH
- Nicole Henderson-Johns
Batavia Faith United Methodist ChurchCincinnati, OH
- Rev. Dr. Alice Hunt
President,Chicago Theological SeminaryChicago, IL
- Rev. Darrick Jackson
Minister; Educator and Treasurer,Prairie Circle Unitarian Universalist Congregration; Healing MomentsGrayslake, IL
- Rabbi Cary Kozberg, MAHL, DD, BCC
Founder and CEO,Side-by-Side: Life Transitions Coaching for the Later YearsColumbus, OH
- Rev. James Ludwick
Pastor/Hospice Chaplain,Otterbeing Senior Living CommunityLebanon, OH
- Rev. John T. McFadden
Appleton Health Care CenterAppleton, WI
- Susan H. McFadden, PhD
Research consultant; Professor Emerita,Fox Valley Memory Project; University of Wisconsin at OshkoshAppleton, WI
- Dr. Howard C. Morgan
Chicago, IL
- Ann Napoletan
Moderator,USAgainstAlzheimer’s Facebook CommunityColumbus, OH
- Rev. Katie Norris
Executive Director,Carolyn L. Farrell Foundation for Brain HealthRocky River, OH
- Pastor Curtiss Seefeldt
Director of Church Relations,The Lutheran Home AssociationBelle Plain, MN
- Anne Simpson
St. Paul, MN
- Rev. Judith Anna
Holston Clergy, RetiredThe United Methodist ChurchMaryville, TN
- Rabbi Jeremy Barras
Temple Beth El of Fort MyersFort Myers, FL
- Rev. A.D. Baxter, MSSW
Chaplain,Smoky Mountain Home Health & HospiceKnoxville, TN
- Rev. Brenda Carroll
Superintendent,Chattanooga District, Holston Conference of the United Methodist ChurchChattanooga, TN
- Rev. Kim Wingo Chafee
Chaplain,Sentara HospiceVirginia Beach, VA
- Rev. Donna Coffman
Founder,Caring SpiritFuquay-Varina, NC
- Rev. Dr. Reginald J. Corfield
Anglican Priest,Diocese of South CarollinaMyrtle Beach, SC
- Deborah D. Danner, PhD
Assistant Professor,University of Kentucky, Sanders-Brown Center on AgingLexington, KY
- J. Norfleete Day, PhD
Associate Professor Emeritus,Beeson Divinity SchoolBirmingham, AL
- Robin Dill
Founder, Grace Arbor,Our Congregational Respite Program of First United Methodist ChurchLawrenceville, GA
- Rev. Dr. Donovan Drake
Pastor/Head of Staff,Westminster PresbyterianNashville, TN
- Rev. Dr. S. Miram Dunson
Presbyterian Older Adult Ministries NetworkCommerce, GA
- Rev. Dr. Charles Durham
Pastor (ret.)First Presbyterian Church TuscaloosaTuscaloosa, AL
- Rev. Steve Eason
Senior Minister,Myers Park Presbyterian ChurchCharlotte, NC
- Rev. Dr. James Ellor
Professor of Social Work,Baylor University School of Social WorkWaco, TX
- Bishop David Epps
Bishop,Diocese of the Mid-SouthSharpsburg, GA
- Lynda Everman
Founder, WomenAgainstAlzheimer’s
Founder, ClergyAgainstAlzheimer’s
Alzheimer’s Semipostal AdvocateBirmingham, AL - Pastor Bobby Fields
Mt. Olive Baptist ChurchProgram Coordinator, Alzheimer’s Tennessee, Inc.Knoxville, TN
- Rev. James A. Garrison, MDiv, MA
Staff Chaplain, Dept. of Pastoral Care,Mission Hospitals, Inc.Asheville, NC
- Rev. Dr. Michael Gemignani, PhD, JD
Episcopal Priest,League City, TX
- Rev. Dr. Richard H. Gentzler, Jr.
Retired United Methodist ClergyGallatin, TN
- Rev. Dr. Patricia Gould-Champ
Pastor,Faith Community Baptist ChurchRichmond, VA
- Rev. Ron Grant, DMin
Chaplain,Pentecostal Holiness ChurchMoore, OK
- Rev. Dr. James D. Hager, OCD, OSL, BCC, BCCC
Father Superior,The Goshen CommunityGreenwood, SC
- Rev. Dr. James Howell
Senior Pastor,Myers Park United Methodist ChurchCharlotte, NC
- Father James Hubbard
St. Mark's Episcopal ChurchClifford, VA
- Rabbi Douglas J. Kohn
Temple Emanu ElBirmingham, AL
- Dr. Benjamin T. Mast, PhD
Associate Professor and Vice Chair, Psychological and Brain Sciences,University of LouisvilleLouisville, KY
- Chaplain T.J. McGiffert, MDiv, BCC
Memory Care Chaplain,Appleton Health Care CenterAtlanta, GA
- Dr. John M. Mulder, PhD
Minister for Stewardship,Second Presbyterian ChurchLouisville, KY
- Chaplain Jo Nichols
Maryville, TN
- Nell E. Noonan, DMin
AuthorDurham, NC
- Rev. James P. Oberle, SS, PhD, STL
Spiritual Director; Professor,Holy Trinity SeminaryIrving, TX
- Robin Pippin
Former Managing Editor,Upper Room BooksNashville, TN
- Rev. Linn Possell
Consultant,Florida Conference of the United Church of ChristOrlando, FL
- Daniel C. Potts, M.D., FAAN
Founder and President,Cognitive Dynamics FoundationTuscaloosa, AL
- Rev. Amy Rollins Probst
First Farragut United Methodist ChurchKnoxville, TN
- Rev. Dr. William B. Randolph
Chaplain,Longwood Presbyterian Senior CareOakmont, PA
- Rev. Stephen Sapp
Senior Professor of Religious Studies,University of MiamiCoral Gables, FL
- Rev. David Seymour
Pastor,Evangelical ChurchNewberry, SC
- Rev. Barbara Shefelton, MDiv, BCC
Chaplain,Mary Immaculate HospitalNewport News, VA
- Rev. Dr. Marvin Simmers
Member,Presbyterian Older Adult Ministry Network and Association of Retired Ministers, Spouses, or Survivors of the Presbyterian Church, USAAvondale, GA
- Rev. Dr. Harry C. Simmons, PhD
Professor Emeritus of Religion and Aging,Union Presbyterian SeminaryRichmond, VA
- Rev. Dr. Wesley F. Stevens
Chaplain,Holly Hall Retirement CommunityHouston, TX
- Jane Marie Thibault, PhD
Clinical Gerontologist,Prospect, KY
- Bishop Philip E.P. Weeks
Bishop,The Charismatic Episcopal ChurchLynchburg, VA
- Rev. Désirée Youngblood
Presbyterian Older Adult Ministries NetworkParis, KY
- Mobed Maneck Bhujwala
Chair,Greater Huntington Beach Interfaith CouncilHuntington Beach, CA
- Chaplain Richard Brandt, MDiv
Grief/Share MinistrySaddleback ChurchAnaheim, CA
- Rita Bresnahan, MSW, PhD
Seattle, WA
- Rabbi Susan Conforti
Manager, Spiritual Care/Chaplaincy Services,Sierra Nevada Memorial HospitalGrass Valley, CA
- Cordula Dick-Muehlke, PhD
Consultant in Aging and Dementia,Cordula CaresOrange County, CA
- Pastor Paige Eaves
Assistant District Director,California-Pacific Conference>The United Methodist Church>La Mirada, CA
- Rev. Nancy Gordon, MDiv
Director,California Lutheran Homes Center for Spirituality and AgingAnaheim, CA- Kirti K. Khalsa
Chief Operating Officer,Alzheimer's Research& Prevention FoundationTucson, AZ- Maria Khani
Senior Chaplain,Los Angeles Sheriff's DepartmentLos Angeles, CA- Rev. Donald R. Koepke, M.Div., BCC
Publications Editor,Forum on Religion, Spirituality and Aging, the American Society on AgingCerritos, CA- Rabbi Michael Lerner
EditorTikkun MagazineBerkeley, CA- Rev. Maggie Smith
Aromatherapist,Gateway MinistryFelton, CA- Marshall Stanek
Founder, Memory Guides,Organizer of San Diego Memory Cafes & National Memory Cafe ConferenceSan Diego, CA- Collin Tong
Stringer; New York TimesReporter, Crosscut NewsSeattle, WAAffiliations are for identification purposes only and do not necessarily represent the endorsement of the affiliated institution.
- Rev. Nancy Gordon, MDiv

Creating Dementia Friendly Faith Communities
Seasons of Caring
UsA2 Facebook Caregiver Community
Dementia-Friendly Worship: A Multifaith Handbook for Chaplains, Clergy and Faith Communities